Saturday, August 3, 2024

Scrappy Saturday

Heart block and alternate
July turned out to be a whirlwind (some good, some bad, ultimately all ok) and very little sewing got done. I did manage to sew teal log cabin blocks (though I forgot to take a picture of the finished blocks before I put them away) and to make my blocks for the rainbow heart quilt. 

Log Cabins in Progress
The RSC color for August is orange which I am excited about as it is a favorite. 

By the end of this week I hope to have a scrappy quilt finish.

am linking up with Scrappy Saturday at So Scrappy and Oh Scrap! 


  1. Your real blocks look pretty. A quilt finish coming soon, that sounds exciting.

  2. It may have been a whirlwind, but the sewing you did get done is lovely!

  3. Your heart and chain blocks are pretty in the turquoise shades and so are the log cabins! Orange is a favorite of mine, too. It's such a happy color!

  4. Looks like July's teals worked out great for you. Have fun with your orange scraps. Sure to make some pretty hearts & log cabins!


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