Saturday, June 29, 2024

Scrappy Saturday

Log Cabin Blocks - Blue
I finished my blue RSC log cabin blocks for June last weekend. I didn't do any scrappy sewing this past week as I have been focusing on quilting some tops that I want to get finished up this summer. 

The RSC color for July is aqua so it may be time to do another set of pickle-dish blocks as I think aqua will go well with the red and purple I already made. 

I am linking up with Scrappy Saturday at So Scrappy and Oh Scrap! 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Scrappy Saturday

A Dozen Two-Step Blocks
My scrappy sewing this week has been making two-step blocks for Cynthia's current block drive at QIMFTH. I went through my 5" square box and my scraps and found enough in fall colors to make a dozen blocks. 

I really like this block. It made up very easily and I like the woven look of the blocks set together. I may use this block in the future for a scrappy baby quilt. I think a bright multi-colored novelty print for the 5" squares and then scraps in related colors for the strips would be very cute.

It is grey and rainy here in New Hampshire today and my plan is to stay in my sewing room and make blue log cabin blocks for the RSC.

I am linking up with Oh Scrap! this week.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Scrappy Sunday

Scrappy Blue Blocks for June
The RSC color for June is blue and I got my heart block and alternate made. I did a Scrappy blue Irish chain quilt last year (which needs basting so it can get quilted) which put a BIG dent in my blue scraps. I do have plenty of blue 1" strips though so will be able to make my log cabin blocks for the month. 

I am linking up with Scrappy Saturday at So Scrappy and Oh Scrap! 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday Finish: Pink & Green Scrap Quilt

Pink & Green Beer Quilt
I finished quilting the pink and green scrap quilt that Lisa and I made together. I also ended up doing the binding because I had 3 days of online webinars this week so had a lot of hand-sewing time. 

I think it came out very well and as soon as the label is done (on Lisa's task list) we can give it to our friend for whom we made it.

This was my One Monthly Goal for June. 

Friday, May 31, 2024

One Monthly Goal: June 2024

My May goal was to finish the green scrap quilt I pieced for the RSC. I made a lot of progress --it is about half-quilted--but did not finish it. It is a present for my sister, but I didn't end up getting to see her last month (she lives 5 hours away). I hope to visit her in July, so that is my new deadline for that project. 

My goal for June is to quilt a pink and green scrap quilt that Lisa and I made for a friend of ours who is battling cancer. I am stippling it and have already made a good start, so I should be able to get it done pretty quickly. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Scrappy Saturday

Pink scrap blocks
I finished my log cabin blocks and my heart/alternate blocks in pink for the month. I have some other projects I am working on so am probably done with pink scraps for the month. Will see what color June brings.

posted about a disappearing 9-patch recently. I had seen quilts with this block but never understood how it came out of a 9-patch. Now I get it! Seems like a great scrap-buster block. Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting also had a some good scrap-busters a while back: checkerboards in RSC colors with a constant background (green in her case) and Cheerio blocks which are adorable. I am really enjoying doing the RSC so am trying to keep track of blocks I might want to make from scraps going forward. 

 I am linking up with Scrappy Saturday at So Scrappy and Oh Scrap!