Saturday, May 25, 2024

Scrappy Saturday

Pink scrap blocks
I finished my log cabin blocks and my heart/alternate blocks in pink for the month. I have some other projects I am working on so am probably done with pink scraps for the month. Will see what color June brings.

posted about a disappearing 9-patch recently. I had seen quilts with this block but never understood how it came out of a 9-patch. Now I get it! Seems like a great scrap-buster block. Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting also had a some good scrap-busters a while back: checkerboards in RSC colors with a constant background (green in her case) and Cheerio blocks which are adorable. I am really enjoying doing the RSC so am trying to keep track of blocks I might want to make from scraps going forward. 

 I am linking up with Scrappy Saturday at So Scrappy and Oh Scrap! 


  1. You already have a great scrap block for 2024. Love the heart. It is especially appropriate for pink scraps, since your scraps lean towards dark pink.

  2. Your blocks are pretty in pink! I definitely get lots of ideas and inspiration from other RSC quilters, too. Those Cheerios blocks at Sane and Crazy are calling to me!

  3. We certainly have a grand group of quilters where we can get so many ideas. I love this group even though I'm not always active. Your RSC blocks are fabulous -- love the scrappy heart!


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