Saturday, September 28, 2024

Scrappy Saturday


black scraps becoming 9-patches
I dove into my black scrap bins and have been making 9-patches (which will disappear into the quilt) and I have strip sets ready to go into a set of blocks for the QiMFtH block drive. 

I have also been keeping an eye out for more cute scrappy quilt ideas and really liked the patchwork with the stars set into it that was in the recent batch of finishes at QiMFtH.

Linking up with Scrap Happy Saturday.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Scrappy Saturday

Black scraps ready to sew
I decided that I don't really want black in either my rainbow log cabin project or my heart quilt so I decided to do the disappearing nine-patch that Treadlestitches posted about earlier this year as a quilt top. I cut a lot of black scraps into squares and will sew them up at my quilt retreat at the end of the month. 

The current block drive at QIMFTH uses black and white 4-patches as part of the block so I am also going to make up some of those. 

In other news I am almost finished quilting my green scrap quilt from January.

am linking up with Scrappy Saturday at So Scrappy and Oh Scrap! 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Scrappy Saturday

RSC Heart Quilt as of Aug. 2024

We are coming into the home-stretch with the RSC -- this month the color is black and next month is dark brown. Colors on a black background will probably be my go-to for both my log cabin blocks and my heart block projects. I'm not sure that either of these colors are what I want in my log cabin project so I may not do those in these colors. 

I laid out my heart and alternate blocks last month and they are coming along well. Looking at the picture I see that I should turn all the alternates the other way so the secondary design is stronger. 

am linking up with Scrappy Saturday at So Scrappy and Oh Scrap! 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Scrappy Saturday

Log cabin blocks in progress
I have not done a lot of sewing this month, but I did do some work on orange scraps for the RSC. I cut a bunch of scraps from my orange basket into usable shapes and finished my orange heart block. I am almost done with the 6 orange log cabin blocks I have been making with each month's color. 

am linking up with Scrappy Saturday at So Scrappy and Oh Scrap! 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Scrappy Saturday

Heart block and alternate
July turned out to be a whirlwind (some good, some bad, ultimately all ok) and very little sewing got done. I did manage to sew teal log cabin blocks (though I forgot to take a picture of the finished blocks before I put them away) and to make my blocks for the rainbow heart quilt. 

Log Cabins in Progress
The RSC color for August is orange which I am excited about as it is a favorite. 

By the end of this week I hope to have a scrappy quilt finish.

am linking up with Scrappy Saturday at So Scrappy and Oh Scrap! 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Scrappy Saturday

Log Cabin Blocks - Blue
I finished my blue RSC log cabin blocks for June last weekend. I didn't do any scrappy sewing this past week as I have been focusing on quilting some tops that I want to get finished up this summer. 

The RSC color for July is aqua so it may be time to do another set of pickle-dish blocks as I think aqua will go well with the red and purple I already made. 

I am linking up with Scrappy Saturday at So Scrappy and Oh Scrap!