Saturday, June 22, 2024

Scrappy Saturday

A Dozen Two-Step Blocks
My scrappy sewing this week has been making two-step blocks for Cynthia's current block drive at QIMFTH. I went through my 5" square box and my scraps and found enough in fall colors to make a dozen blocks. 

I really like this block. It made up very easily and I like the woven look of the blocks set together. I may use this block in the future for a scrappy baby quilt. I think a bright multi-colored novelty print for the 5" squares and then scraps in related colors for the strips would be very cute.

It is grey and rainy here in New Hampshire today and my plan is to stay in my sewing room and make blue log cabin blocks for the RSC.

I am linking up with Oh Scrap! this week.

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